SOFT!: Healing Powers of Textile

  • Textile Art Exhibition at Rademakers Gallery

    11 September - 7 December 2024

    Rademakers Gallery proudly announces the return of the SOFT! Exhibition, inviting art enthusiasts to explore the immersive world of textile craftsmanship. Running from September 11th to December 7th, 2024, this year's exhibition will delve into the profound influence of textiles on our well-being. Join us for the festive opening on September 14th!


    SOFT! examines how textiles shape our comfort and emotions, serving as a second skin and a canvas for expression. The 6th edition of this exhibition explores how textile art fosters community, nurtures emotional well-being, and instills feelings of safety and belonging. Fashion and art are merging more and more; however, is the artworld ready to take fashion in? According to Rademakers Gallery the answer is yes, as we aim to dissolve borders between disciplines in the art world and showcase that each is equally important. The show includes artists that our audience already knows and loves; Mae Engelgeer, Julia Kiryanova, Joana Schneider, Yamuna Forzani, Ronald van der Kemp, Simone Post, Coen Derickx and Antoine Peters - as well as some of our newest talents; Anne von Freyburg, Lisa Konno, Kelly Konings and Sofie Aaldering. Each of them intertwines their textile craft with themes of well-being.


    Joana Schneider and Coen Derickx use textiles for sustainability and environmental advocacy. Schneider’s tactile sculptures engage viewers in conversations about nature and stewardship. Through the use of organic shapes and expressive colours, Derickx’s works works have the power to stimulate fantasies and are able to conjure many divergent associations.

  • Yamuna Forzani and Anne von Freyburg celebrate diversity and explore themes of femininity and identity. Forzani creates inclusive spaces amplifying marginalized voices, and von Freyburg’s provocative works invite viewers to embrace human complexity.

  • Mae Engelgeer weaves traditional techniques with modern innovation, crafting luxurious fabrics that evoke harmony and comfort. Simone Post focuses on the process of creation more than on the result, attributing great value to the materials she uses, never knowing where they will take her. Sofie Aaldering ventures outside of fashion by creating different types of designs. These artists weave a narrative of creativity, resilience, and community-building, harnessing the power of textiles to create spaces that nourish the mind, body, and soul.

  • Julia Kiryanova fosters community through her works - she creates immersive experiences exploring vulnerability and empowerment. Mina Abouzhara also works only with textiles, and her fabrics’ research reflects a Moroccan collectiva memory related to embroidery and the role of women in it.

  • Kelly Konings examines the relationship between textiles and garments through contemporary lenses. Lisa Konno works on blurring the line between art for the walls and art that is ready to wear. Antoine Peters is another artist who has been in fashion in decades and who, through art, wants now us to look at clothing, the world around us and ourselves differently, literally and figuratively. In this way, he breaks the traditional relationship between the viewer and the object.