
  • Starting Your Art Collection

    A Guide from Rademakers Gallery

    For many, the idea of starting an art collection can feel daunting, reserved for an exclusive circle of established collectors with deep pockets. However, the reality is far more accessible, especially when guided by experts in the field. Pien Rademakers, the founder of Rademakers Gallery, emphasises that collecting art is not about status but about passion, connection, and personal expression. Her advice is to begin by visiting OBJECT Rotterdam, an art fair that can be an ideal entry point for novice collectors.

  • Hilde Trip: The Art of Preserving Nature’s Beauty

    An inside look at her artistic process and inspirations - featuring an exclusive interview with the artist

    In the hands of Dutch artist Hilde Trip, feathers, leaves, seeds, and grasses, are transformed into compositions, that capture the delicate beauty of the natural world. By carefully collecting, preserving, and rearranging organic materials, she creates pieces that blur the line between what is temporary and what can last forever.