

Jens Buis (1998, Groningen, NL) finds himself at the intersection between film and painting. After a degree in media design where he formed a strong foundation with an early interest in film, animation and movement, he started at the Minerva Art Academy in Groningen in 2019, where he further developed his unique artistic approach.


Filmographic paintings

Jens Buis works with analogue video footage from (family) archives. From these, he selects various abstract images in an attempt to capture and relive fragments of memories. Using a printing technique with a special lens structure, these carefully selected stills are reassembled into a whole. As viewers move through the space, the images appear to merge and shift, making the work look different depending on one's perspective. This dynamic interaction is enhanced by an interplay of mystical shapes, alluring colours and organic movements.


His work explores the relationship between digital and physical domains, aiming to create experiences that emphasize the importance of the present moment. By deviating from figurative representation, he seeks to restore the connection between people and the physical world and encourages viewers to engage with his art in a personal and contemplative way. Buis is not afraid of aesthetics; on the contrary, he poetically seeks the sublime.


  • 2024 | Gallery Ron Mandos | 'Best of Graduates' | Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • 2024 | Academy Minerva | Graduation Show | Groningen, The Netherlands
  • 2023 | Academy Minerva | '3rd Year Expo' | Groningen, The Netherlands