Kurina Sohn



Kurina Sohn, a multidisciplinary designer from Korea, resides and creates in Amsterdam. Her work delves into the extraordinary, exploring diverse realms, life forms, and narratives that transcend the ordinary. Grounded in comprehensive research, her projects employ a poetic approach to offer fluid and inclusive interpretations of modern realities. Utilizing tools and technologies such as artificial intelligence and digital fabrication, she infuses her creations with a deep theoretical understanding of these transformative elements, ranging from collectible design to immersive installations. Constantly pursuing innovation, Kurina remains committed to challenging societal norms and expanding the boundaries of design.


Kurina received her MA Contextual Design from Design Academy Eindhoven and BFA in Fiber Art from Maryland Institute College of Art. Kurina has participated in residencies, received grants, and exhibited her work internationally at venues such as Dutch Design Week, COLLECTIBLES, Schloss Hollenegg for Design (Hollenegg, AT), the Museum of Applied Art and Design (Vilnius, LT), Vienna Design Week, Z33 (Hasselt, BE), V2_Unstable Media (Rotterdam, NL), and Het Nieuwe Instituut (Rotterdam, NL). She is a lecturer in Crossmedia Design at AKI ArtEZ and has co-initiated a fluid Asian collective called NeeNee Collective.
