PAN Amsterdam 2023: Booth 3

18 - 26 November 2023 

This year at PAN Amsterdam Rademakers Gallery will present new artworks by our artists: Joana Schneider, Sebiha Demir, Jessi Strixner, Martijn Hesseling, Florentijn de Boer, Cathalijn Wouters, Rive Roshan, Jeroen van Kesteren, Jorge Manes Rubio, REM Atelier and Simone Post. In addition, for the first time, we are pleased to introduce: Satyendra Pakhalé, Yamuna Forzani, Chris Rijk, Victor de Groot, Mel Chan, Johnie van Boeijen and Sangmin Oh.


At our booth, ‘I can buy myself flowers’ will be the overarching theme. The song by Miley Cyrus is not only catchy and popular but conveys a message that we are extremely passionate about. As you may already know, one of the main pillars of Rademakers Gallery is female empowerment. We believe that women are powerful, strong and more than capable to take care of themselves, hence the title of the song. Furthermore, we want to incorporate the theme of flowers throughout the entirety of the booth. Flowers are namely a symbol for life and decay, beauty, colour, fertility and power.


Explore our curated PAN Amsterdam art shop


  • November 17 - 15.00 hrs we will go live with PAN Amsterdam managing director Mark Grol.
  • November 23 - 19.00 hrs we will go live with female artists Joana Schneider.
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