Joana Schneider, Morning Prairies 2€ 11,500.00
Joana Schneider, Pink moon € 11,500.00
Joana Schneider, Waterlillies€ 14,000.00
Preta Wolzak, Headdress 1€ 14,500.00
Preta Wolzak, Arctic Charade - Weather Station€ 8,000.00
Preta Wolzak, People with the yellow ear. #32€ 4,500.00
Mina Abouzahra, Lucky charm – orange€ 4,500.00
Anne von Freyburg, Untitled (after Fragonard) € 17,000.00
Anne von Freyburg, Who’s Bad (After Fragonard, Venus and Cupid)€ 20,000.00
Anne von Freyburg, Smile Like You Mean It (After Boucher)€ 13,000.00
Joana Schneider, Moss Rock tower€ 3,000.00
Sofie Aaldering, Wall sculpture blue M, 2024€ 7,500.00
Sofie Aaldering, Vase Sculpture€ 1,000.00
Julia Kiryanova, Still life with sea food€ 11,000.00
Mina Abouzahra, Mothers€ 6,500.00
Simone Post, Ode to Yarn #2€ 2,000.00
Simone Post, Ode to Yarn #3€ 2,000.00
Simone Post, Ode to Yarn #1€ 2,000.00
Simone Post, Star Portrait - Coni€ 1,000.00
Simone Post, Milan - Lila Yellow
Simone Post, Post-Vlisco Carpet Orange-Pink€ 2,300.00
Simone Post, Post-Vlisco Carpet White€ 1,000.00
Mae Engelgeer, Rainbow little - Pink€ 2,500.00
Mae Engelgeer, EMBUED BLUE€ 2,000.00
Antoine Peters, Hold on! € 9,500.00
Antoine Peters, Wait a minute€ 9,500.00
Preta Wolzak, people with the yellow ear #7€ 4,500.00
Joana Schneider, Earth Flow€ 17,500.00
Yamuna Forzani, Pillow - Girls girls girls€ 350.00
Yamuna Forzani, Circle Pillow 4€ 150.00
Yamuna Forzani, Circle Pillow 5€ 150.00
Antoine Peters, Killing me softly M03€ 750.00
Antoine Peters, Killing me softly M02€ 750.00
Antoine Peters, Killing me softly - M01€ 750.00
Antoine Peters, Killing me softly M04€ 750.00
Antoine Peters, Killing me softly - L03€ 1,800.00
Antoine Peters, Killing me softly - L01€ 1,800.00
Antoine Peters, Killing me softly - L02€ 1,800.00
Yamuna Forzani, Green Goddess € 7,500.00
Yamuna Forzani, Blue Goddess€ 7,500.00
Yamuna Forzani, Eye Candy 009€ 1,000.00
Yamuna Forzani, Piece of me 019€ 800.00
Yamuna Forzani, Eye Candy L 003€ 800.00
Yamuna Forzani, Piece of me 022€ 800.00
Coen Derickx, Cut number 6€ 3,250.00
Coen Derickx, Cut number 5€ 1,750.00
Coen Derickx, Cut number 1 Sold
Coen Derickx, Stars number 1€ 2,000.00
Coen Derickx, Star number 2€ 3,750.00
Coen Derickx, Stars number 3€ 3,750.00
Kelly Konings, Common flower collage 1€ 1,900.00
Kelly Konings, Common flower collage 2€ 1,900.00
Kelly Konings, Common flower collage 3€ 1,900.00
Kelly Konings, Hybrid forms of dressing - Denim Jacket€ 400.00
Kelly Konings, Hybrid forms of dressing - Sweater€ 400.00
Kelly Konings, Hybrid forms of dressing - Suit Blazer€ 400.00
Mariekke Jansen, Lounge Chair Ida - Beige€ 1,700.00
Antoine Peters, Killing me Softly 4€ 1,800.00
Antoine Peters, Killing me softly L05€ 1,800.00
Sofie Aaldering, Midnight sky M€ 8,500.00
Antoine Peters, Crossed arms€ 3,500.00
Preta Wolzak, People with the yellow ear.#31€ 4,500.00
Anne von Freyburg, Fantasia (After Boucher, Venus and Cupid)€ 24,000.00