Gillian Bolton


Gillian Bolton | Kunstenaar op Gallery Viewer | Gallery ...


Gillian Bolton

Gillian Bolton (b. 1996, The Netherlands) is a Dutch painter who recently graduated from the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague (KABK) in 2024. His work revolves around the use of grids as a foundational tool, which he employs to create intricate compositions with vibrant colors. These grids serve not only as a structural base but also as a way to explore the transcendental experience of time, as the process of measuring lines and making deliberate choices becomes integral to his artistic journey.


Exploring Time and Form

Bolton's practice is marked by a deep interest in precision and structure, yet his evolving creations transcend their initial simplicity. Using the grid as a starting point, he introduces layers of color and shapes that transform the rigid lines into dynamic, vibrant works of art. The repetition of patterns and colors creates a meditative rhythm, allowing viewers to engage deeply with the work’s complexity.

Bolton’s artworks invite viewers to delve into their layered intricacies, where the transparency of his process becomes part of the visual experience. 
