PAN Amsterdam

RAI Amsterdam, 14 - 21 November 2021 
Booth 11

During PAN Amsterdam Rademakers Gallery presents crossovers between art and design. Several artists in our gallery are not tied to one specific medium, category or craft. They are both artists and designers. They make art that can be seen as design and vice versa.

Pien Rademakers shows in her booth 11 how beautiful art and design can be combined and should be valued equally. Painting, sculpture, design and textile art - all these art forms can be found in Rademakers Gallery. 'I don't believe in pigeonholing and think that a bureau can also be art,' says Pien. The combination actually creates tension; the different media challenge and reinforce each other. The vision of the gallery has been praised for this at home and abroad and rewarded with an invitation to the prestigious art fair Design Miami Basel. 'Unfortunately, we cannot participate this year because of the risky coronas in Miami, but next year you will definitely see us there,' says Pien enthusiastically.

Besides the combination of art and design, Rademakers Gallery is also known for the amount of female artists that are represented. For that reason the gallery is also showing many female artists at PAN Amsterdam, including the well-known female designer Kiki van Eijk. Last year Kiki exhibited at the Textielmuseum in Tilburg, for example, and she is well known internationally. The artist/designer is also not into pigeonholing - she makes wall hangings, mirrors, glass art, clocks and sculptures - and does not stick to one medium. We are showing the female artists Sebiha Demir, Joana Schneider and this year Natasja Alers, Esmee Seebregts and Nina Ekmann have their first appearance at PAN. 

In addition, reuse and the sustainable production of art are also very important to Rademakers Gallery. The Colonel Desk by Diederik Schneemann is a fine example of this. Diederik uses collected and reused cigar bands and matchboxes in his designs, so that it becomes a unique piece of design or art. Sebiha Demir, who makes animal sculptures from old bullet cases, also works in a sustainable way. As does Joana Schneider, who makes her work out of old fishing ropes and thread from PET bottles.  Jeroen van Kesteren with his imaginative airships and the REM Atelier with a new cabinet and lamps.

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